Nhs Collaborative Commissioning Agreement

The NHS Collaborative Commissioning Agreement Explained

The NHS Collaborative Commissioning Agreement is often referred to as the CCA. This is a key document that sets out the terms of engagement between Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and the NHS England Commissioning Board (NHSECB).

The agreement provides a governance framework for collaborative commissioning between the CCGs and NHSECB. It sets out a number of key principles that are aimed at improving patient care, achieving financial advantage, and ensuring effective governance and scrutiny.

The CCA also outlines the roles and responsibilities of the CCGs and NHSECB in relation to commissioning and service delivery. This includes key areas such as:

– The development of commissioning strategies and plans that are aligned with national policy and local priorities.

– Collaborative working between CCGs and NHSECB to ensure that commissioning decisions are made in the best interests of patients and local communities.

– Jointly developing and agreeing priorities and outcomes for commissioning, and measuring progress against these.

– Ensuring that commissioning activities are grounded in the principles of evidence-based practice, and are informed by the best available data and information.

– Effective engagement and consultation with stakeholders, including patients, carers, and the wider public.

The CCA is regularly reviewed and updated to ensure that it reflects the changing priorities and needs of NHS organisations, and that it continues to support collaborative working and the delivery of high-quality patient care. It is a key document that underpins effective commissioning and service delivery across the NHS.

So what does this mean for patients? Essentially, the CCA is designed to ensure that patients receive the best possible care, and that the resources of the NHS are used in the most effective way possible. By promoting collaborative working and effective governance, the agreement helps to ensure that commissioning decisions are made in the interests of patients and local communities, and that resources are used in the most efficient and effective way possible.

In summary, the NHS Collaborative Commissioning Agreement is a key document that sets out the terms of engagement and governance arrangements between CCGs and NHSECB. By promoting collaborative working and effective governance, the agreement helps to ensure that patients receive the best possible care, and that the resources of the NHS are used in the most efficient and effective way possible. It is regularly reviewed and updated to ensure that it reflects the changing priorities and needs of NHS organisations.